

The development of OpenChanfix would not have been possible without the following:

Screenshots of development and testing:

testing01Beige is sending /dev/random data to the OpenChanfix client to see if it will manage that.
We've done many tests on that to check whether it's vulnerable for buffer overflows.
testing02Testing a very long channel name.
testing03Testing a very long channel name, part 2. Note that in this early stage of development, C is not even merging multiple +o modes into a single group of +oooo modes.
testing04Stress testing the OpenChanfix database. Even with 200,000 channels and 500,000 clients the database performs fine.
testing05Development of the source.
testing06Testing automatic and manual fixes in #chanfix on our test network.
This was the first test of the opping logic. As you can see, test-C first ops 3 spamcalc* clients, and returns to give jappert and Garion ops. Both jappert and Garion had slightly lower scores than spamcalc*.
testing07Interfacing with the OpenChanfix client.
Note that the fix of #chanfix takes a full 40 minutes. This is because the scores for #chanfix in the database are relatively low - only 1071 compared to the maximum possible score of 4032.
testing08The CVS repository holding the OpenChanfix source code.