
Examples: #openchanfix - opless channel - takeover

Example: #openchanfix

Let's look at an example channel, #openchanfix. Currently, the following people are on #openchanfix:

Users on #openchanfix:
[@Beige ] [@cryogen] [@sabre2th] [+cfan    ] [morfie]
[@cfgaar] [@Garion ] [@smurf   ] [+Domilijn] [as4   ]
#openchanfix: Total of 10 nicks [6 ops, 2 voices, 2 normal]

Here is a list of all the hostmasks of the users on #openchanfix:

@ Beige
@ cfgaar      garion@open.chanfix
@ cryogen
@ Garion
@ sabre2th    sabre2th@feed.your.supermind
@ smurf       smurf@
+ cfan
+ Domilijn

Now, #openchanfix has existed for several weeks now, so there are scores for the channel in the OpenChanfix database. These scores are:

1. 3651 garion@open.chanfix
2. 3548
3. 3498
4. 3289
5. 3176
6. 3006 sabre2th@feed.your.supermind
7. 1252 smurf@

As you can see, cryogen, whilst being opped, doesn't have a record in the database. The reason that he doesn't have a score is that he is not idented; you can see this because he has a tilde (~) before his username.

Let's ask C what he thinks about the status of the channel as it is now.

<Garion> score #openchanfix
<C> Top 10 scores for channel "#openchanfix" in the database:
<C> 3651, 3548, 3498, 3289, 3176, 3006, 1252.
<C> Top 10 scores for ops in channel "#openchanfix" in the database:
<C> 3651, 3548, 3289, 3006, 1252.
<C> Top 10 scores for non-ops in channel "#openchanfix" in the database:
<C> 3498.

From these scores you can see that the scores of the opped people are the same as the top scores in the database, so the channel is currently with the "rightful" owners.