Examples: #openchanfix - opless channel - takeover
Example: #openchanfix is taken over
Someone has taken over #openchanfix, set it invite-only and kicked
and banned almost all the regulars. The situation:
Users on #openchanfix:
[@IHateC ] [@takebot2] [as4 ] [henkje]
[@takebot] [@v ] [Domilijn] [p33n ]
#openchanfix: Total of 8 nicks [4 ops, 0 voices, 4 normal]
The modes on the channel are as follows:
+iknmst closed
+b *!chanfix@open.chanfix
+b *!beige@oper.suid.sh
+b *!garion@*
Asking OpenChanfix about the scores gives the following result:
<Garion> score #openchanfix
<C> Top 10 scores for channel "#openchanfix" in the database:
<C> 3651, 3548, 3498, 3289, 3176, 3006, 1252, 7, 6, 6.
<C> Top 10 scores for ops in channel "#openchanfix" in the database:
<C> 7, 6, 6, 3.
<C> Top 10 scores for non-ops in channel "#openchanfix" in the database:
<C> 3498.
From these scores, it is clear that the channel has been taken over.
Nobody with high scores is currently opped. So, time for a manual chanfix:
<Garion> chanfix #openchanfix
<C> Manual chanfix acknowledged for channel "#openchanfix".
This manual chanfix occurs in two stages. First, all modes of the channel
are cleared (read in the technical document why the TS change occurs):
* TS for #openchanfix changed from 1029226431 to 1029226430
* irc.open.chanfix sets mode #openchanfix: -ik
* irc.open.chanfix sets mode #openchanfix: -oooo IHateC takebot takebot2 v
* C (chanfix@open.chanfix) has joined #openchanfix
* irc.open.chanfix sets mode #openchanfix: +o C
<C> Channel fix in progress, please stand by.
* C sets mode #openchanfix: -bbb *!chanfix@open.chanfix *!beige@oper.suid.sh *!garion@*
* C (chanfix@open.chanfix) has left #openchanfix
The channel is clear and open again:
Users on #openchanfix:
[as4 ] [henkje] [p33n ] [takebot2]
[Domilijn] [IHateC] [takebot] [v ]
#openchanfix: Total of 8 nicks [0 ops, 0 voices, 8 normal]
Now, OpenChanfix will wait a while to allow the channel regulars to rejoin
the channel:
* Beige (beige@oper.suid.sh) has joined #openchanfix
* Garion (garion@hub.nl) has joined #openchanfix
* cfgaar (garion@open.chanfix) has joined #openchanfix
* cryogen (~cryogen@bin.bash.sh) has joined #openchanfix
* sabre2th (sabre2th@feed.your.supermind) has joined #openchanfix
* henkje (henk@i.aml33t.cx) has parted #openchanfix
And after that pause, C will enter to give ops to the people who
deserve it:
* C (chanfix@open.chanfix) has joined #openchanfix
* irc.open.chanfix sets mode #openchanfix: +o C
* C sets mode #openchanfix: +oooo cfgaar Beige Domilijn Garion
* <C> 4 clients should have been opped.
* C (chanfix@open.chanfix) has left #openchanfix []
This leaves the channel in the following state:
Users on #openchanfix:
[@Beige ] [@Domilijn] [as4 ] [IHateC] [sabre2th] [takebot2]
[@cfgaar] [@Garion ] [cryogen] [p33n ] [takebot ] [v ]
#openchanfix: Total of 12 nicks [4 ops, 0 voices, 8 normal]
Back with its rightful owners.