Interaction with OpenChanfix happens via messages to the OpenChanfix client.
It will only respond to opered clients. Some commands are available to all opers,
but most require an OpenChanfix account, and a flag.
These are the available commands.
indicates that a serveradmin (user with +a flag) has access to this command,
but only to affect users with the same main server as the admin.
SCORE <channel>
Shows the scores of the top-X in #channel.
SCORE <channel> <nick>
Shows the score of currently online client <nick> in #channel.
SCORE <channel> <user@host>
Shows the score of user@host in #channel.
CSCORE [arguments]
The same as SCORE, but with a compact output.
HISTORY <channel>
Shows the times that this channel has been manually fixed.
INFO <channel>
Shows information about the channel: all notes and whether is has been
Shows a detailed status report.
LOGIN <user> <password>
Logs you in as <user>, if both your u@h and the password match.
Note: for security reasons, you MUST message the login command to
<username>@<server>, where <username> is OCF's
username and <server> is OCF's server. Yes, the username
and not the nickname.
Additional note: for OpenChanfix 3.0.0 for ratbox 2.0.x, this does not
work yet, unfortunately. So you'll have to /msg OCF itself. Our apologies
for this inconsistency.
Logs you out.
PASSWD <currentpass> <newpass>
Changes your password into <newpass>.
Shows a list of logged in users.
This shows your current umode.
For each flag, chanfix sends the user notices when other chanfix users perform
certain actions.
UMODE <+|-><flags>
With +flags, these flags are added to your current umode.
With -flags, these flags are removed to your current umode.
CHECK <channel>
Shows how many opped clients OpenChanfix sees in this channel.
Should only be used in case of desyncs.
Sends a notice to all logged in users that this command has been used.
ADDNOTE <channel> <note>
Adds a note to a channel. This note is displayed whenever INFO
<channel> is executed.
DELNOTE <channel> <num>
Removes note <num> from <channel>.
ALERT <channel>
Sets the ALERT flag of a channel. If CHANFIX <channel> is requested
on a channel with the ALERT flag set, OpenChanfix will not fix it, but
send a message back that this channel has some notes.
A manual fix can still be forced by appending the OVERRIDE flag.
UNALERT <channel>
Removes the ALERT flag of a channel.
CHANFIX <channel> [optional comment]
Performs a manual fix on #channel.
Adds a note to the channel that it has been chanfixed by you.
If the optional comment is given, a note is added to the channel with
that comment.
CHANFIX <channel> [OVERRIDE | NOW | !]
Performs a manual fix on #channel.
Adds a note to the channel that it has been chanfixed by you.
The override forces a manual fix if the channel is being automatically
fixed or has an ALERT flag.
OPLIST <channel>
Gives a list of the top X user@hosts of #channel.
Sends a notice to all logged in users that this command has been used.
OPNICKS <channel>
Shows a list of all opped clients OpenChanfix sees in this channel.
Should only be used in case of desyncs.
Sends a notice to all logged in users that this command has been used.
WHOIS <user>
Shows all u@h and flags of <user>.
CHPASS <user> <password>
Changes the password of <user>.
Does not work on accounts with the o flag.
Only people with the o flag can change the password of users with the u flag.
CHPASSHASH <user> <password hash>
Changes the password hash of <user> directly. This is a DES
password hash.
Does not work on accounts with the o flag.
Only people with the o flag can change the password of users with the u flag.
ADDUSER <user> <u@h>
Adds a new user <user> with this user@host.
DELUSER <user>
Removes a user.
Does not work on accounts with the o flag.
Only people with the o flag can remove users with the u flag.
ADDHOST <user> <u@h>
Adds a host to a user.
Does not work on accounts with the o flag.
Only people with the o flag can add u@h of users with the u flag.
Always works on yourself.
DELHOST <user> <u@h>
Removes a host from a user.
Does not work on accounts with the o flag.
Only people with the o flag can remove u@h of users with the u flag.
Always works on yourself.
ADDSERVER <user> <server>
Adds a server to a user.
Does not work on accounts with the o flag.
Only people with the o flag can add u@h of users with the u flag.
Always works on yourself.
DELSERVER <user> <server>
Removes a server from a user.
Does not work on accounts with the o flag.
Only people with the o flag can remove u@h of users with the u flag.
Always works on yourself.
ADDFLAG <user> <flag>
Adds <flag> to <user>.
Cannot be used to add the o flag.
Only people with the o flag can grant the u flag.
DELFLAG <user> <flag>
Removes <flag> from <user>.
Cannot be used to remove the o flag.
Only people with the o flag can remove the u flag.
WHOSERVER <server>
Shows all accounts on this server.
BLOCK <channel> <reason>
Stops #channel from being chanfixed.
A note with <reason> is added to the channel.
UNBLOCK <channel>
Reallows #channel being chanfixed.
Reloads the config file and the users file.
SET <setting> <value>
Sets <setting> to <value>.
Possible settings:
- NUM_SERVERS <number of servers on the network>