
Docs: installation - commands - database - opping logic - the config file

Configuring OpenChanfix

Here is a description of all the configuration items in the configuration file chanfix.conf.

Main settings
nick = <nickname>Sets the nickname that the OpenChanfix client will use.
user = <username>Sets the username that the OpenChanfix client will use.
host = <hostname>Sets the hostname that the OpenChanfix client will use.
real = <realname>Sets the realname (ircname, gecos) that the OpenChanfix client will use.
own_host = <own hostname>The hostname or ip address used for the source of the connection of the OpenChanfix client (usually
connect_host = <connect hostname>The hostname or ip address to connect the OpenChanfix client to (usually
connect_port = <connect port>The port to connect the OpenChanfix client to (usually 6667).
userfile = <filename>File with userdata. The location is relative to the main directory of the ircd itself.
Fixing settings
enable_autofix = <bool>Should chanfix automatically fix opless channels?
enable_chanfix = <bool>Should chanfix be able to manually fix channels?
enable_channel_blocking = <bool>Can channels be blocked?
Network/server settings
max_channel_modes = <amount>The maximum number of channel modes that can be issued in a single command, e.g. mode #channel +oooo a b c d
num_servers = <amount>Total number of servers on the network.
min_servers_present = <percentage>The minimum percentage of servers that need to be linked; if there are fewer servers linked, chanfix will not fix any channels, be it automatic or manual, nor will it gather any data.
Interface settings
num_top_scores = <amount>The amount of scores the OpenChanfix will report when issuing the SCORE #channel command. Do not set this to a higher value than 10.
Database settings
dbpath = <path>Directory that holds the database. The location is relative to the main directory of the ircd itself.
min_clients = <amount>Minimum clients needed in a channel for it to be scored
client_needs_ident = <bool>Whether clients need to be idented (no ~ before username) in order for them to score a point.
client_needs_reverse = <bool>Whether clients need to have a reversed hostname in order for them to score a point.
channels_per_run = <amount>When chanfix is walking through all channels, looking for opped clients so it can add scores to the database, it will do this in stages of channels_per_run channels each time, with a short delay in between. A reasonable value is 5000.
Logging settings
logfile_chanfix = <filename>Main logfile. The location is relative to the main directory of the ircd itself.
logfile_error = <filename>Error logfile. The location is relative to the main directory of the ircd itself.
log_privmsg = <bool>Logs all PRIVMSGs sent to the OpenChanfix client.
log_login = <bool>Logs all login and logout attempts and events.
log_autofix = <bool>Logs all automatic fixes of opless channels.
log_chanfix = <bool>Logs all manual CHANFIX requests.
log_notes = <bool>Logs all note additions and deletions.
log_users = <bool>Logs all user additions, deletions and modifications.